Embark on a private tour of a Dominican cigar factory and indulge in a journey from seed to light. Experience the process of cigar-making and learn about the rich history of the Dominican cigar industry. Includes complimentary cigar and more!
Embark on a private tour of a Dominican cigar factory and indulge in a journey from seed to light. Experience the process of cigar-making and learn about the rich history of the Dominican cigar industry. Includes complimentary cigar and more!
- Vivonte Cigar Factory & Lounge - Welcome to the new larger Vivonte location just one block down from Central Park towards the ocean.Our is an educational experience that takes you through the entire process of making cigars from seed to cigar. Tour Overview: • A brief history of the Dominican cigar industry and how it has developed since the Cuban…
- Vivonte Cigar Factory & Lounge - Welcome to the new larger Vivonte location just one block down from Central Park towards the ocean.Our is an educational experience that takes you through the entire process of making cigars from seed to cigar. Tour Overview: • A brief history of the Dominican cigar industry and how it has developed since the Cuban revolution. • The process of planting seeds, growing great cigar tobacco, harvesting, drying/curing and preparing the tobacco to be made into cigars (including an explanation of the fermentation process). • We explain the aging process of tobacco and cigars and the effect these processes have on the final product. • We demonstrate how a cigar is made, the three ingredient components of a cigar, and what to look for in the construction of a cigar. • We demonstrate how to properly light and smoke a cigar. • Clients are invited into our aging room and we explain the effect of the environment, temperature and humidity as part of the process of creating a fine cigar.
- Tour escort/host
- Cost-effective transportation service, 50% cheaper than local taxis
- Includes all activities
- Easy transportation arrangements via call or email
- Optional pick-up and return from any location on the North Coast for an additional fee
- Tour escort/host
- Cost-effective transportation service, 50% cheaper than local taxis
- Includes all activities
- Easy transportation arrangements via call or email
- Optional pick-up and return from any location on the North Coast for an additional fee
- Alcoholic drinks ( except mamajuana which is included)
- Gratuities
- Hotel pickup and drop-off optional (see inclusions)
- Transportation to/from attractions optional (see inclusions)
- Alcoholic drinks ( except mamajuana which is included)
- Gratuities
- Hotel pickup and drop-off optional (see inclusions)
- Transportation to/from attractions optional (see inclusions)
Your private cigar factory tour includes a cigar, coffee, tea, water, or a non-alcoholic beverage, and a mamajuana shot. You’ll embark on an educational journey through the cigar factory, learning about the history of the Dominican cigar industry, the process of growing cigar tobacco from seed to harvest, the art of cigar making, the proper way to light…
Your private cigar factory tour includes a cigar, coffee, tea, water, or a non-alcoholic beverage, and a mamajuana shot. You’ll embark on an educational journey through the cigar factory, learning about the history of the Dominican cigar industry, the process of growing cigar tobacco from seed to harvest, the art of cigar making, the proper way to light and smoke a cigar, and how to assess cigar quality. You might even get the chance to roll your own cigar. Additionally, you’ll receive valuable insights into coffee and mamajuana. Our special mountain roasted coffee and full bottles of mamajuana are also available for purchase.
- Transportation is available on request at an additional low cost
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.