Savoring Panama: A Culinary Journey Through Casco Viejo

Drawn by the promise of an authentic culinary adventure, I embarked on a journey to Panama’s Casco Viejo, eager to explore its vibrant markets and rich culinary traditions. Join me as I recount the unforgettable experience of the Panamanian Cooking Class, where flavors and stories intertwine in a celebration of culture and cuisine.

A Culinary Adventure Begins

As a seasoned traveler and culinary enthusiast, I have had the privilege of exploring the gastronomic landscapes of many countries. Yet, the allure of Panama’s vibrant culinary scene beckoned me with promises of a unique and immersive experience. My wife and I embarked on the Panamanian Cooking Class adventure, eager to delve into the heart of Panama’s rich culinary traditions.

Our journey began in the historic district of Casco Viejo, a place where the past and present dance in harmonious rhythm. The cobblestone streets and colonial architecture set the stage for what would be an unforgettable day. We arrived at Restaurante El Nacional, a charming establishment nestled in the main square, where we were warmly greeted by Jerin, the owner. His passion for sharing Panama’s culinary heritage was palpable, and he regaled us with stories of his own journey before introducing us to our guide and chef for the day, Jorge.

Jorge’s enthusiasm was infectious as he outlined the day’s itinerary. With umbrellas in hand, we set off to explore the bustling markets of Casco Viejo, a treasure trove of fresh ingredients and local flavors. The air was thick with anticipation as we made our way to the Mercado de Mariscos, Panama’s largest seafood market, where the ocean’s bounty awaited us.

The Market Experience

The market was a sensory feast, with vibrant colors and enticing aromas enveloping us as we navigated through the stalls. Our first stop was the meat market, a pristine space that defied the typical expectations of such places. Though we didn’t purchase any meat, Jorge explained the importance of sourcing free-range chicken for our dishes, a testament to the commitment to quality that permeated the experience.

Next, we ventured into the vegetable market, where the freshest produce awaited our selection. As we gathered our ingredients, Jorge shared fascinating insights into the history and traditions of Panamanian cuisine, enriching our understanding of the cultural tapestry that defines this vibrant nation. A refreshing stop at a chicha stall provided a delightful interlude, the fresh juice invigorating our senses for the next leg of our journey.

The fish market, though less immaculate than the meat market, was a testament to the freshness of the catch. The absence of an overpowering fishy odor was a reassuring sign of quality. Jorge expertly selected a whole fish, ensuring its freshness and authenticity before having it filleted before our eyes. With our bounty in hand, we returned to the restaurant, ready to transform these raw ingredients into a culinary masterpiece.

Cooking and Connection

Back at El Nacional, the kitchen buzzed with energy as we donned our aprons and prepared to embark on a culinary journey. Jorge guided us through the preparation of a five-course meal, each dish a celebration of Panamanian flavors. While Jorge took the lead in cooking, we eagerly participated in the preparation, our hands busy with chopping, mixing, and tasting.

The menu was a delightful exploration of traditional dishes, including ceviche, chicken carimanola, and the intriguingly named platano en tentacion. For those who abstained from seafood, a cassava alternative was thoughtfully provided, ensuring everyone could partake in the feast. The platano en tentacion, a decadent combination of plantain, rum, passion fruit juice, and sugar, simmered to perfection, its aroma filling the kitchen with a tantalizing promise of sweetness.

As we cooked, conversations flowed freely, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences and newfound friendships. Jorge and Jerin’s warmth and hospitality made us feel like part of a culinary family, united by a love for food and discovery. The afternoon culminated in a communal meal, where we savored the fruits of our labor amidst laughter and camaraderie.

Reflecting on the day, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to immerse myself in Panama’s culinary culture. The Panamanian Cooking Class was not just a cooking lesson; it was a journey into the heart of a nation, a celebration of flavors and traditions that left an indelible mark on my soul. I wholeheartedly recommend this experience to fellow travelers and food lovers alike, for it is a testament to the power of food to connect, inspire, and transform.

Henry St. James
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Activities in Panamá Province